Xavier Magazine: Connections & Bonds

The latest edition of Xavier Magazine is out, and inside you will find more than 30 stories on the type of relationships and bonds that make Xavier such a unique community.

Throughout the magazine, we take a closer look at the power of friendship, loyalty and support. Whether it is the shared experiences of alums from years ago, or the new friendship of two former Xavier football greats, or the story of two valedictorians at Mercy and Xavier, every story highlights the power of community and family.

The theme?

Connections & Bonds.

The year 2020 was a difficult one as the pandemic took hold. But as these stories remind us, we can't help but lean on those that support us, and be for them, too.

We're all in this together.

Enduring personal relationships, a hallmark of Xavier and an XBSS education.

From our amazing students and faculty to our accomplished alumni, that is some of what you’ll find in the magazine.