Fine Arts

"By stepping on that stage and following their passions, our students are able to find a confidence that they might not have known before, but just as important they develop empathy toward their classmates and others. Together, they really learn how to be part of something bigger than themselves."  

It is doesn't matter if you're on the stage performing or at a desk working on a water painting. 

Xavier High School is committed to being there for our students as they chase their passions in the Fine Arts. 

As a community, Xavier believes deeply in the work of the arts. Through our music, visual arts and theater classes, and our clubs, we hope to enhance the lives or our students, build self-esteem and create lifelong memories. 

For our educators, the arts help teach many intangibles as well as promote self-discipline, personal reflection and a strong work ethic. It is our belief that through art students can understand each other and learn to develop a tolerance of others, both culturally as a group, and on an individual level. 

Every dream matters. And that is obvious when you join the Xavier Fine Arts Department. Together, our passionate faculty help students to express themselves creatively, teach the value of hard work and cooperation in group settings, and help students to develop skills and proficiency in their field. Our teachers are waiting to help anyway they can. 

We don't know what paths our students will choose in the Fine Arts Department. But no matter what, our fine art teachers are there for them as they grow as artists. 

As a department we all seek common goals in education for the arts. It can certainly be said that knowledge and appreciation for the arts enriches the lives of our students and enhances their life experiences. Further, the arts present a common language for all peoples throughout our world. Successful experiences in the arts can build self-esteem and create lifelong memories for students.

For educators, the arts help us to teach many intangibles as well as promote self discipline, personal reflection, and a strong work ethic. The arts help us to understand each other and learn to develop a tolerance of others, both culturally as a group, and on an individual level. Overall, the many areas of Fine Arts help students to express themselves creatively, teach the value of hard work and cooperation in group settings, and help students to develop skills and proficiency in their field.

Below are the Visual Arts courses that Xavier offers.
Foundations of Art
Landscape Painting
Graphic Design
Color & Design
Art Appreciation
AP Drawing
AP 2-D Art & Design
Below are the Music courses that Xavier offers.
Understanding Music 
Concert Band
Jazz Band
Intro to Guitar
Guitar II
Fine Arts Clubs
Art Club 

Pep Band 

Photography Club
Mercy & Xavier Theater Program (Two productions a year)
Meet the Fine Arts Department faculty at Xavier