Xavier Alumni Community

Welcome to the Xavier Alumni Community

Dear Xavier Alumni,


Under the auspices of the Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School network and the Diocese of Norwich, Xavier High School has always been committed to providing exceptional education, spiritual guidance grounded in the teachings of the Catholic faith, and character development for young men since 1963.  Our high school has benefitted tremendously from world-class teaching, a talented and inspirational student body, and a collaborative partnership with families who unconditionally support our school!


But there is no larger group of people that have significantly impacted the education and full Xavier experience for our students than our alumni! We are grateful for our alumni’s generous, thoughtful, and deep commitment to the students and the institution. Xavier’s history of alumni support and participation has played a vital role in creating a world-class educational experience, as mirrored in the accomplishments of our most recent graduating Class of 2023. This class recorded a 100% graduation rate, with 97% of our graduates matriculating to colleges and universities throughout our country. This same class had 9 National Merit Commended Scholars, 17 Scholars of Distinction, 2 All State Musicians, and 3 students selected to attend U.S. Military Academies. Admirable! Alumni contributions and involvement also impacted our school’s teachers, as our teachers benefited from valuable professional development and opportunities for growth. 91% of our teachers have advanced degrees (Master’s/PhD). Their expertise in the classroom is powerful.


In recent years, we have faced mounting challenges, particularly related to rising operating costs that are directly related to teaching and learning. While the amount of unrestricted donations and alumni involvement has remained constant, inflation has minimized our school’s ability to invest appropriately in essential areas that impact teaching and learning and the overall student experience.


We are counting on your partnership. We have challenged ourselves to substantially increase our alumni participation and support by focusing on unrestricted donations. We believe that if we meet our challenge, our teachers and students will benefit from the use of your unrestricted donations in the following ways:

  • Enhancing support for teachers through professional development opportunities and enrichment programs so that we can continue to recruit, retain, and promote professional growth of highly skilled and dedicated teachers.
  • Investing in cutting edge educational resources, advanced technology, and innovative teaching methods.
  • Upgrading our facilities and technology infrastructure to enrich our learning environment.
  • Sustaining our commitment to providing financial aid access for deserving students to a Xavier education.


Your support and everyone’s involvement will have a profound impact on our students, both during and after their Xavier experience. By investing in our school today, you will be contributing to a brighter future for countless young men and the world they will influence. We believe that the aim of your commitment and contribution aligns with Xavier’s values and aspirations. 


We invite all our alumni to partner with each other and our school to meet the financial challenge before us. Bill Nadeau, Xavier Class of ’94 and a member of Xavier’s Board of Directors, said it best when he recently summed his Xavier experience by stating three significant take-aways from his Xavier experience:

  1. “My character was developed at this institution.”
  2. “The academic rigor allowed me to live and choose the life I live today.”
  3. “It unlocked opportunities for friendships that I still carry with me today.”

Please thoughtfully consider your significant involvement in the young men’s lives who walk our Xavier High School halls today. The link below will provide you with the opportunity to make an unrestricted financial commitment today for tomorrow’s future of Xavier High School. Whether your involvement has been a sustaining one or not, the challenge that we have before us can be overcome if everyone pulls together and gets involved now.