
What is important at Xavier is that it is service in the name of Jesus; it is service motivated by the Gospel to reach out to the poor, the underprivileged, those who are in need." 
Brother Philip Revell, C.F.X.
Service is at the heart of what Xavier tries to instill in its students. As such, there are requirements:
- For underclassmen, students must complete a total of 35 hours of community service by Jan. 31 of their junior year.
- Seniors must complete an additional 30 hours of community service, primarily people-interactive, by Feb. 28 of their senior year.
There are many opportunities beyond what is required:
- Annual Service Trip to Guatemala: Students and faculty travel through Mission Discovery each spring.
- Annual Service Trip to Camden, N.J.: Students and faculty visit the Romero Center for a week each summer.
- There are periodic trips to a local assisted living facility and soup kitchen.
- There is a monthly can drive for a local food pantry led by the Ryken Service Society, a club at Xavier.
- There are retreats by senior Peer Ministers for local Catholic elementary/middle schools.
All service hours are to be logged into MobileServe as soon as the service is completed; click HERE. If you have any questions regarding service, please contact the Campus Ministry Office; specifically, Mr. William Braychak ([email protected]).