Our Students
What does it mean to be a Xavier student?
“Students at Xavier are known for their pride and respect for their school.”
“Our human and Christian responsibility dictates that we have concern for each other.”
These sentences very well could have been written in 2024, but they were written 46 years ago, in 1978 in the Kestrel, the school newspaper. Times change, new challenges come along such as COVID-19, but the way in which Xavier students are expected to act does not.
“Leadership should be shown by the seniors to the juniors,
the juniors to the sophomores, the sophomores to the freshmen.”
This sentence very well could have been written in 2022 but appeared in that same 1978 edition of the Kestrel. It came from coach Larry McHugh, and he was talking about football, but in reality he could have been talking about all aspects of Xavier.
“You are known for your politeness, your faith, your generosity, the care and love you show for others.
As I always tell you, you are a Xavier man 24/7.”
These sentences could have been written in that edition of the Kestrel in 1978 or when the school opened in 1963, but they are the essence of a message Interim Head of School Nick Cerreta delivers yearly at assemblies.
What does it mean to be a Xavier student?
“There are a lot of ways to answer that,” said Luke Solomon ’22. “But I’d say what it means to be a Xavier student is be a striving young man hungry to learn more every day … to shape yourself to be the best man you can be.”
For Jordan Hetu ’21, he said he became more in tune with morality and his faith. He also said a Xavier student can fit in virtually anywhere anytime.
What does it mean to be a Xavier student?
There may be commonalties, but there really is no limit to the individual answers. In part that is because there are unlimited opportunities for students to grow, be it academically, spiritually, athletically, in service to others, or in the many clubs and activities.