Religion Department

Flowing from Xavier High School’s mission statement, the Religion Department's philosophy centers itself on the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church. The department strives to help its students grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually by demonstrating that the Church is alive and working in today's world.


The department encourages and emphasizes the importance of the Sacraments, prayer and living the Catholic/Christian traditions. Religion classes encompass the experiential as well as the academic pursuit of religion and its values. 


As part of our core curriculum, students are required to complete a Religion course each year, all of which are taught at the Accelerated level. These courses are academically rigorous, challenging students to explore the historical, theological, and philosophical aspects of the subject.


Pastoral Advising

While at Xavier, students are assigned a member of the Religion Department as a Pastoral Adviser. Through a series of one-on-one meetings students are able to discuss the various stresses and pressures they face in high school, both inside and outside the building while gaining wisdom and advice from faculty that they trust. 

Below are the Religion courses that Xavier offers. 
The Sacred Scriptures
Christ's Church and Her Sacraments
Foundations of Catholic Morality & Social Theology
Applications of Catholic Morality & Social Theology
Catholic Apologetics
Christian Life: A Call to Holiness
Faith and Media 
World Religions
Peace & Justice
Meet the Religion Department faculty at Xavier